Saturday, September 24, 2011


Dear Keith,
Today when I checked the My Family Found Me page on RR, I saw you on it!! Praise the Lord! After four years of waiting, with no love, and only the most basic care, you finally will have a family. Right now, you have no stimulation, you are probably stuck in a crib most of the time, you aren't able to develop very well, and you are only 11 pounds. But I know that in a family, you will thrive! All it will take is a little love and care. When you cry, someone will rush to you and calm you. When you get hurt, someone will hold you and kiss you. Every day you will be covered with hugs and kisses, and you will know the meaning of LOVE. We are all praying for you to hold on until your family can get you, and that the adoption process will go smoothly and quickly! We don't want you to wait a second more than you need to in that orphanage. I love you so much Baby K!!! You are truly a beautiful and strong little boy, and I'm glad someone realized that and decided to treat you like the wonderful child you are! Stay brave, and hold on sweetheart!
Sissy Rachel ♥

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