Friday, January 27, 2012

A Post by Genesis

Hi, I'm Genesis, a member or "sister" of Big Brothers & Sisters Saving Little Lives With Christ. I am 12 years old and have 2 brothers with Down syndrome, adopted through Reece's Rainow :) Recently, I felt God calling me to write this blog post. Well, here goes!

In 2009, my parents introduced me to international adoption. They were considering bringing a child or two home from Ethiopia. At the time, I was only nine and had no idea how bad it was in places like Africa, and how much kids just like me have to suffer everyday. I immediately got into it and began watching adoption videos on youtube, reading up on blogs and adoptive families, etc. In just a few weeks, my entire family was aware of the conditions over there and our thoughts on adoption. It took almost a year of praying and researching, until we found RR and decided to 'put Ethiopia adoption on hold'. With that being said, I still haven't let Africa leave my heart. I saw what I saw and I can't look back. And that is why I want to share what it really means to me, how serious and devastating it truley is.

When we hear the word "shower", we think of a bath tub or walk-in shower with soap and clean towels.
When they think of a dirty river and buckets.

When we hear the word "home" we think of a 1-5 bedroom house made of bricks and pannels with a/c and heating.

When they think of a tiny shack made of sticks and mud.
When we hear the word "dinner" we think of a box of pizza, a gourmet meal or a McDonald's cheeseburger.

When they think of rice and beans.                        
When we hear the words "let's go." we think of a vehicle with leather/soft seats and an engine.

When they think of themselves walking long miles on the dusty, rocky steets.

When we hear the word "shop" we think of a air conditioned/heated building with wraped or packaged items.

When they think of an outdoor market with materials (also known as clothing) and produce and knit-naks.

So I think you've got what I'm trying to give. Information and truth about third-world countries like Africa, and how different it is for them. And how good we have it here, in America. We take so much for granted, when we're the most privileged. Along with that, we have the freedom to worship God. WE are given the freedom to read the Bible, pray to Jesus, go to church, and bow be fore the Lord. That right there, we take for granted! Most people don't like long car rides or driving. I'm the same way, I'm not a big fan of being cooped up in the car for hours on end. But do you know what people in Africa (who walk or use animals to travel) would give to ride in a working vehicle? Or live in a family? SO many kids these days are arguing, dis-respecting, hating they're parents. And mainly for the dumbest reasons! Like if your mom or dad doesn't allow you to go to some party or do something with your friends. God put your guardians, whomever they may be, in your life for a reason.... and a good one at that. So next time you want to complain, or think your life is a battleship, just remember how much harder it could be in another country, and that God is always with you <3.

God bless,
Genesis :)


  1. Genesis, you and your family are definitely being the change you want to see! True religion...

  2. Genesis, what an amazing young lady you are and are growing more and more into each and everyday. Your family has much to be proud of and your Heavenly Father is certainly well pleased. <3

  3. Hi Genesis, Imagine how surprised I was to stumble across this site today and find you on here. You might not remember me, but I'm Emily Lourcey's oldest sister. I think the last time we saw each other was when you were the flower girl in her wedding! My husband and I live in Prague, Czech Republic and are in the process of adopting our first child from here, so I was really excited when Emily told me about your family's adoption last year. I had known about RR before then, but your adoption "re-reminded" me of it. Since then I occasionally visit RR. In fact, I visited it the day that they posted Samuel & Duncan on the waiting list. My husband and I have been praying that they would find a family and were so excited to see recently that they had. Samuel's family's blog led me here. It's encouraging to see the ways you (and others!) are allowing God to use your lives to impact His kingdom!
